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23 Oct 2014, 12:10 pm

Star-Dubai Ltd Falsely Claims to be Incorporated by the DFSA

The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) alerts the financial services community and the public about a fraudulent scam promoted by "Star-Dubai Ltd" which offers unrealistic yields on investments in the Dubai property market.The source of the promotion is a company called Star-Dubai Ltd which promotes the scam from its website at: https://star-dubai.com/investors.  Star-Dubai Ltd: A copy of the false Certificate of Incorporation can be viewed here. The DFSA advises that it does not issue Certificates of Incorporation of any kind to any company, firm or individual. The Certificate which appears on Star-Dubai Ltd's website is false.  Furthermore, yields in the amount offered by Star-Dubai Ltd are unrealistic and should not be believed.The DFSA strongly advises prospective investors in Dubai real estate not to respond to Star-Dubai Ltd or any other person or company representing the firm. The DFSA also warns against sending money to Star-Dubai Ltd.   The DFSA has a page on its website dedicated to informing the public about scams, including scams which misuse the name of the DFSA and/or the DIFC.  All Alerts issued by the DFSA may be accessed on the DFSA website at:  Your-Resources/dfsa-alertsThe DFSA has also issued warnings and guidance about the common types of scams perpetrated on consumers. For more information on these scams please go to:  HowToAvoidBeingScammed  If you have any concerns about the authenticity of any DIFC Authority or DFSA correspondence or documents, you should direct your concerns to the DIFC Authority on Tel: +971 4 362 2222 and to the DFSA via the DFSA Complaints function on www.dfsa.ae.

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