
In order to conduct Financial Services in or from the DIFC, firms need to become authorised and obtain a licence from the DFSA. To conduct a Designated Non-Financial Business or Profession in or from the DIFC, firms need to be registered by the DFSA. As a risk-based regulator, the DFSA conducts initial assessments to ensure firms adhere to the DFSA’s standards of conduct and business.

In order to conduct Financial Services in or from the Dubai International Financial Centre, individuals or entities need to seek authorisation from the DFSA. Authorisation is given in the form of a licence which is issued electronically by the DFSA, and specifies the type of Financial Services that can be conducted.

For more information about the authorisation and registration application processes, refer to the sections below for:

If you would like to find out more about DSFA Authorisation/Registration, please click on this link. A form will Open containing specific information and allow submission of an expression of interest. A DFSA Supervisor will contact those that make a submission.


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