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21 Sep 2022, 12:29 pm

DFSA launches Online MKT1 Form

As part of the DFSA’s digitisation drive, the DFSA has today introduced an online version of the MKT1 Form (Application for Approval of a Prospectus and Admission of Securities to the Official List). The online version of the MKT1 Form will replace the current Microsoft Word versions of the MKT1 Form and the MKT3 Form (Sponsor’s Declaration) in the Application Forms and Notices (AFN) module of the DFSA Sourcebook.

The online MKT1 Form will become fully effective on 1 November 2022 (the “Effective Date”). We will not be accepting submissions made using the Word versions of the MKT1 Form and the MKT3 Form from the Effective Date onwards, and they will be removed from the DFSA’s website on that date. 

For further details (including information on which applications the DFSA will continue to accept in Word format until the Effective Date), please click here.

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