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16 Jun 2013, 12:06 pm

Notice of Amendments to Legislation


The DFSA Board made the following Rulemaking Instruments to come into force on the 14 July 2013

• ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING MODULE (AML) INSTRUMENT (NO 117) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Anti Money Laundering (AML) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 1 attached hereto for the detailed amendments);

• AUTHORISED MARKET INSTITUTIONS MODULE (AMI) INSTRUMENT (NO 118) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Authorised Market Institutions (AMI) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 2 attached hereto for the detailed amendments).

• GENERAL MODULE (GEN) INSTRUMENT (NO 119) 2013, which repeals and replaces the General (GEN) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 3 attached hereto for the detailed amendments);

• MARKETS RULES MODULE (MKT) INSTRUMENT (NO 120) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Markets Rules (MKT) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 4 attached hereto for the detailed amendments);

• REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE MODULE (REP) INSTRUMENT (NO 121) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Representative Office (REP) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 5 attached hereto for the detailed amendments);

• FEES MODULE (FER) INSTRUMENT (NO 122) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Fees (FER) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 6 attached hereto for the detailed amendments);

• CONDUCT OF BUSINESS MODULE (COB) INSTRUMENT (NO 123) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Conduct of Business (COB) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 7 attached hereto for the detailed amendments); and

• GLOSSARY MODULE (GLO) INSTRUMENT (NO 124) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Glossary (GLO) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 8 attached hereto for the detailed amendments);

• ISLAMIC FINANCE RULES (IFR) INSTRUMENT (NO 125) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Islamic Finance Rules (IFR) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 9 attached hereto for the detailed amendments).

• COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT RULES (CIR) INSTRUMENT (NO 126) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Collective Investment Rules (CIR) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 10 attached hereto for the detailed amendments).

• PRUDENTIAL - INVESTMENT, INSURANCE INTERMEDIATION AND BANKING (PIB) INSTRUMENT (NO 127) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Prudential - Investment, Insurance Intermediation and Banking (PIB) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 11 attached hereto for the detailed amendments).

• PRUDENTIAL – INSURANCE BUSINESS (PIN) INSTRUMENT (NO 128) 2013, which repeals and replaces the Prudential – Insurance Business (PIN) module of the DFSA Rulebook with an updated version (see appendix 12 attached hereto for the detailed amendments).

The rule-making instruments mentioned above and the appendices to this notice can be viewed under the “Amendments to Legislation” section of the DFSA website and the relevant modules of the Rulebook will be replaced on the DFSA website on the date of their coming into force as described above. Earlier versions of the relevant modules are to be found in the archive.


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