Regulatory Announcement Services

Approval of Regulatory Announcement Services (RAS)


Under Rule 9.8.3 of the Markets Rules module of the DFSA Rulebook, Reporting Entities are required to disclose information to the Market through a DFSA approved Regulatory Announcement Service.

Further to Markets Rule 4.7.1 (c), the DFSA may approve any Regulatory Announcement Service. To safeguard the quality and integrity of the dissemination process, the DFSA has defined criteria published on the DFSA website that should be complied with by Regulatory Announcement Services at the time of application, and any time thereafter. Only upon successfully meeting those criteria and obtaining approval from the DFSA, will a RAS be included on the DFSA website.


Please find the RAS criteria here.

Please find DFSA approved RAS here.

Entities that wish to be included on the DFSA website are invited to submit an application addressing the criteria for Regulatory Announcement Services to: [email protected]

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